Moving Beyond SWOT: Why ABW Partners Uses the SOAR Framework for Strategic Planning
When it comes to strategic planning, many companies and organizations turn to a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. This framework has long been the go-to tool for evaluating what an organization is currently doing, whether at a macro level or for specific programs or initiatives.
At ABW Partners, we have used the SWOT framework for many years and can attest to its value. However, we’ve also come to realize SWOT analyses are not always the help our clients truly need.
Why? SWOT analyses often assume organizations already have a clear sense of their mission, vision, and goals. But in reality, many organizations haven’t had the opportunity to engage in meaningful visioning and planning before conducting this type of analysis. Without this foundational clarity, a SWOT analysis can feel punishing rather than productive. This is especially true for the "weaknesses" and "threats" sections, which can inadvertently demotivate teams by emphasizing deficits instead of possibilities.
Recognizing this limitation, ABW Partners has embraced an alternative: the SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) framework. This approach shifts the focus from a deficit-based model to one that is forward-thinking. Here’s why we’ve found SOAR to be a more effective tool for many of our clients.
The SOAR Framework: A Better Path Forward
The SOAR framework provides a more empowering and actionable alternative to the traditional SWOT analysis. SOAR focuses on:
Strengths: What the organization or team currently does well and what unique assets it brings to the table.
Opportunities: Factors (both internal and external) the organization or team can leverage to achieve its goals.
Aspirations: The organization or team’s vision for the future and its potential.
Results: The measurable outcomes that define success.
This framework doesn’t shy away from addressing vulnerabilities or challenges. Instead, it integrates these considerations into a larger conversation about what the organization wants to achieve and how it can get there.
By focusing on aspirations and results, the SOAR analysis encourages organizations to think big and approach challenges with a growth mindset.
Why SOAR Works for Our Clients
Our clients are leaders and organizations that want to take their work to the next level. They are not satisfied with simply maintaining the status quo; they want to innovate, inspire, and lead. For these clients, a SOAR analysis provides several key benefits:
A Focus on Possibilities: By emphasizing both strengths and opportunities first, the SOAR framework creates a sense of possibility and potential. This helps organizations move beyond a deficit mindset and think creatively about how to achieve their goals.
Vision Alignment: Including aspirations ensures the analysis is closely aligned with the organization or team’s vision and values. This creates a more cohesive and motivating framework for planning and decision-making.
Actionable Insights: By focusing on results, the SOAR framework translates aspirations into concrete, measurable goals. This makes it easier for organizations to track progress and stay accountable.
Optimism: The tone and spirit of a SOAR analysis are inherently motivating, which can be particularly valuable for organizations facing complex challenges. This positivity helps build momentum and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation.
From Evaluation to Inspiration
The SOAR framework is more than just an analytical tool; it’s a mindset shift. It encourages organizations to view themselves not only as problem-solvers but also changemakers. This approach aligns perfectly with ABW Partners’ commitment to helping our clients achieve their highest potential.
By moving beyond the limitations of SWOT and embracing the optimistic perspective of SOAR, we’ve been able to help our clients chart bold new paths forward. Whether they’re refining their mission, launching new initiatives, or navigating complex strategic planning challenges, the SOAR framework provides the clarity and motivation they need to succeed.
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